
Top 6 SEO and Marketing tips

Marketing your product or content online is a task that involves both time and money. No matter how great products you have, marketing is something you can't run away from. The right amount of marketing will need certain techniques that create a huge impact to get your sales from none to many. Out of these techniques is SEO.

SEO is a way out for many brands that don't want to invest in paid ads for their promotion online. The following are some SEO tips to make your site afloat in the pool of web.

  1. Improve title tags:

    Title tags will make a big difference to get attention from the users. You can add certain tweaks to your title tags and make them more specific about what your company or particular post is about. You can get 32 percent more of organic traffic for your product pages if you use the right title tags.

  2. Master keyword search:

    For the appropriate kind of google optimization, you must know the knack of finding the right keywords. Check what term people are searching for related to your products and use those keywords in your product posts. Being higher in the SERPs is what your goal should be. Keyword research can be done through some best SEO tools and also with the help of custom techniques.

  3. Get to know your competitors:

    Not having an eye on the business competitors is like driving in a dark tunnel. You must know where your competitors are heading and what ways they are getting traffic from. You need to keep devising out your SEO tricks and also should adopt some of your competitors for a better success rate. You can make your user experience better by reading that people are commenting on their social sites.

  4. Remove anything that slows down your site:

    You can do this on your own, but its better to consider SEO consulting and let them see what issues your site is facing. Your site speed is the biggest factor of your site being SEO friendly or SEO enemy.

  5. Make your site human friendly and then search engine friendly:

    SEO is not only winning Google's heart. Instead, having your visitors love your site is also very essential. Google will make its assessment while analyzing your site also by certain factors like bounce rate, average time on page, post sharing, etc. hence focus on your content and make it useful for your readers and customers.

  6. Keep checking your site for SEO loopholes:

    Never shut an eye from your site's SEO health even if you have written posts in top SEO. You need to check website SEO and keep making updates where needed actively. Many times your URLs might be slow, or your google insights might be detached from your site. You can run an SEO audit to see where the problem occurs by using different free and paid online tools.

It isn't that hard to maintain your SEO as long as you have enough spare time, or you have hired a company for your marketing needs. It's always the best to have someone else doing SEO chores for you while you focus on your main business.